Fed's Interest Rate History: The Fed Funds Rate Since 1981 | Bankrate (2024)

Key takeaways

  • In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) raised interest rates 11 times in the span of about a year and a half, bringing the federal funds rate to a 23-year high of 5.25-5.5 percent.
  • Throughout history, the Fed’s key rate has been as high as 19-20 percent and as low as 0-0.25 percent.
  • The Fed's decisions on interest rates have significant impacts on consumers' financial lives, impacting both borrowing costs and earnings on savings.

The ultra-low rates consumers have been accustomed to since the 2008 financial crisis have all but certainly come to an end.

In the span of just about a year and a half, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has lifted interest rates 11 times, bringing its key federal funds rate to a target range of 5.25-5.5 percent. That’s the highest since early 2001, a Bankrate analysis of the Fed’s moves throughout history shows. Not since the 1980s has the Fed hiked rates at this speed, the analysis also found.

But when it comes to the world’s most powerful central bank, the past can often be a guide. History, for example, shows that the Fed’s goal of “softly landing” the U.S. economy — bringing down inflation without harming the job market or economy — has proven difficult and elusive. Throughout the Fed’s rate-hike history, officials have rarely been able to slow the economy without kickstarting a recession. And even if the Fed does end up gradually cutting borrowing costs at some point this year, interest rates are unlikely to be as cheap as they were during the coronavirus pandemic-era.

To help consumers understand the historical significance of the Fed’s rapid rate hikes in the post-pandemic era, Bankrate compiled this guide of the Fed’s previous rate moves from 1981 to the present. Interest rates may now seem historically high, but they’re currently not that far off from their historic average, the analysis found. Since 1980, the market-driven “effective” federal funds rate has averaged 4.41 percent.

Rate moves are expressed in “basis points,” which are equal to 1/100 of a percentage point. For example, a 75 basis point increase is 0.75 percentage point.

Until inflation begins to cooperate, expect a continued ‘wait and see’ attitude from the Fed. — Greg McBride, Bankrate Chief Financial Analyst
  • The Fed is the central bank of the U.S., tasked with two main economic objectives: price stability and maximum employment. When prices rise too rapidly, the Fed raises interest rates to slow economic growth. When the financial system looks like it might need a bit of a boost, it cuts interest rates to spur spending and hiring. Together, Fed watchers refer to those interest rate decisions as monetary policy.

  • The Fed’s interest rate decisions come down to how they’re interpreting their dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment. Typically, Fed officials want to ensure that everyone who wants a job can find one. And when it comes to rising prices, the Fed shoots for a not-too-hot, not-too-cold “goldilocks” level of inflation around 2 percent. But the job market and inflation have an inverse relationship. A too-hot labor market can make prices rise faster than the Fed prefers, while low inflation might require higher unemployment.

    The Federal Reserve’s aggressively hawkish policy has been all about defeating red-hot inflation. Up until March 2022, rates were at a rock bottom level of near-zero. During the coronavirus pandemic, meanwhile, the Fed slashed borrowing costs to near-zero as lockdowns swept the nation — pushing the U.S. unemployment rate to 14.7 percent, the highest since the Great Depression.

  • When economists or investors pay attention to the Fed’s rate hikes, they’re mainly watching for changes to the U.S. central bank’s key interest rate: the federal funds rate. Fed officials don’t explicitly go to every bank or lender and mandate a certain interest rate. Rather, the benchmark rate that they control acts as a lever for all other types of borrowing and saving rates throughout the economy.

    Like a chain of dominoes falling one by one, a rate hike from the Fed translates to more expensive borrowing costs on almost every purchase a consumer finances: from credit card spending and auto loans to mortgages and home equity lines of credit. But a silver-lining for consumers, higher rates mean higher yields on certificates of deposit (CDs) and savings accounts.

Fed’s interest rate history of 1981-1990: Volcker fights the ‘Great Inflation’ with historic rate moves and aggressively hawkish monetary policy

The fed funds rate has never been as high as it was in the 1980s.

The main reason is because the Fed wanted to combat inflation, which soared in 1980 to its highest level on record: 14.6 percent.

As a result, the U.S. central bank did something that might seem counterintuitive for an institution that strives to maintain the most productive economy possible: It manufactured a recession to bring prices back down.

The fed funds rate began the decade at a target level of 14 percent in January 1980. By the time officials concluded a conference call on Dec. 5, 1980, they hiked the target range by 2 percentage points to 19-20 percent, its highest ever.

Consumer borrowing costs soared as a result. The average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage hit the highest on record during the era, spiking to near 20 percent, Bankrate’s historic data shows.

Key insights on the 1981-1990 era

  • Fed chair of the decade:Paul Volcker (1979-1987)
  • Peak of the decade: 19-20 percent
  • Low of the decade: 6 percent

Rates began drifting downward sharply, falling first to a target range of 13-14 percent on Nov. 2, 1982, then down to 11.5-12 percent on July 20, 1982. After some oscillation, interest rates haven’t eclipsed 10 percent since November 1984. The “effective” fed funds rate averaged at 9.97 percent during this 10-year period.

But the Fed has changed almost as much as interest rates since then. Instead of slowly and gradually moving rates in one direction (up or down), officials in this decade would often hike their benchmark rate, then cut it, then raise it again.

The Fed has changed almost as much as interest rates since then. Instead of slowly and gradually moving rates in one direction (up or down), officials in this decade would often hike their benchmark rate, then cut it, then raise it again. The Fed would also adjust rates at unscheduled meetings more often than not, after which it wouldn’t release policy statements. The fed funds rate also wouldn’t hold in as tight of a target range as it does today, sometimes spanning 5 percentage points instead of a 0.25 percentage point window. Those changes highlight a new mantra for the Fed: Avoid surprising markets, and you avoid unduly financial tightening.

Chairman Paul Volcker was the main driver of Fed policy in this decade, leading the Fed until Chairman Alan Greenspan took the post in August 1987.

Fed interest rate history of 1991-2000: Alan Greenspan steers the Fed through a brief recession then presides over ‘Great Moderation’ with a long economic expansion

Fed rate moves

Meeting dateRate changeTarget
Source: Fed’s board of governors
January 9, 1991: Conference call-25 basis points6.75 percent
February 1, 1991: Conference call-50 basis points6.25 percent
March 8, 1991: Unscheduled move-25 basis points6 percent
April 30, 1991: Conference call-25 basis points5.75 percent
Aug. 5, 1991: Conference call-25 basis points5.5 percent
Sept. 13, 1991: Conference call-25 basis points5.25 percent
Oct. 30, 1991: Conference call-25 basis points5 percent
Nov. 5, 1991-25 basis points4.75 percent
Dec. 6, 1991 (After a Dec. 2, 1991, conference call)-25 basis points4.5 percent
Dec. 20, 1991 (After Dec. 17, 2001, meeting)-50 basis points4 percent
April 9, 1992: Unscheduled move-25 basis points3.75 percent
June 30-July 1, 1992-50 basis points3.25 percent
Sept. 4, 1992: Unscheduled move-25 basis points3 percent
Feb. 3-4, 1994+25 basis points3.25 percent
March 22, 1994+25 basis points3.5 percent
April 18, 1994: Emergency meeting+25 basis points3.75 percent
May 17, 1994+50 basis points4.25 percent
Aug. 16, 1994+50 basis points4.75 percent
Nov. 15, 1994+75 basis points5.5 percent
Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 1995+50 basis points6 percent
July 5- 6, 1995-25 basis points5.75 percent
Dec. 19, 1995-25 basis points5.5 percent
Jan. 30-31, 1996-25 basis points5.25 percent
March 25, 1997+25 basis points5.5 percent
Sept. 29, 1998-25 basis points5.25 percent
Oct. 15, 1998: Emergency meeting-25 basis points5 percent
Nov. 17, 1998-25 basis points4.75 percent
June 29-30, 1999+25 basis points5 percent
Aug. 24, 1999+25 basis points5.25 percent
Nov. 16, 1999+25 basis points5.5 percent
Feb. 1-2, 2000+25 basis points5.75 percent
March 21, 2000+25 basis points6 percent
May 16, 2000+50 basis points6.5 percent

After a tumultuous few years for the Fed during the Great Inflation, Greenspan faced a much calmer period, though that’s not to say he didn’t have his fair share of challenges during his near 18-year tenure at the helm of the Fed.

After an eight-month recession beginning in August 1990, Greenspan and Co. managed to take the fed funds rate all the way up to a target level of 6.5 percent in May 2000, the highest of the period. Rates reached a low of 3 percent in September 1992, the lowest of the decade.

Besides during the early 1990s, the Fed mainly adjusted rates at Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings, a practice that is in rhythm with today’s Fed. Officials did hike rates on April 19, 1994, at an emergency meeting due to inflation worries, and they cut borrowing costs at an unscheduled Oct. 15, 1998, gathering.

Key insights on the 1991-2000 era

  • Fed chair of the decade: Alan Greenspan (1987-2006)
  • Peak of the decade: 6.75 percent
  • Low of the decade: 3 percent

Another noteworthy feat, the U.S. central bank also made its first “insurance” cuts, meaning officials cut interest rates to give the economy an extra boost, not to fight a recession. Such was the case in 1995, 1996 and 1998, when the financial system confronted a share of headwinds ranging from debt default in Russia to a major hedge fund’s collapse.

The longest-serving Fed chair to date, Greenspan is often nicknamed “maestro” for having steered the economy through the longest economic expansion at the time. The Fed unofficially began identifying 2 percent as its inflation target during this decade — a pivotal decision that would irrevocably change modern monetary policy.

A proponent of deregulation, however, his policies would later be blamed for fueling asset bubbles that led to the dot-com boom and bust and the housing bubble that sparked the 2008 financial crisis.

Fed interest rate history of 2001-2010: Fed faces the dotcom bust, the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the 2008 financial crisis

Rate cuts 2001-2003

Meeting dateRate changeTarget
Jan. 3, 2001: Emergency meeting-50 basis points6 percent
Jan 30-31, 2001-50 basis points5.5 percent
March 20, 2001-50 basis points5 percent
April 18, 2001: Emergency meeting-50 basis points4.5 percent
May 15, 2001-50 basis points4 percent
June 26-27, 2001-25 basis points3.75 percent
Aug. 21, 2001-25 basis points3.5 percent
September 17, 2001: Emergency meeting-50 basis points3 percent
Oct. 2, 2001-50 basis points2.5 percent
Nov. 6, 2001-50 basis points2 percent
Dec. 11, 2001-25 basis points1.75 percent
Nov. 6, 2002-50 basis points1.25 percent
June 24-25, 2003-25 basis points1 percent

Source: Fed’s board of governors

Rate hikes 2004-2006

Meeting dateRate changeTarget
June 29-30, 2004+25 basis points1.25 percent
Aug. 10, 2004+25 basis points1.5 percent
Sept. 21, 2004+25 basis points1.75 percent
Nov. 10, 2004+25 basis points2 percent
Dec. 14, 2004+25 basis points2.25 percent
Feb. 1-2, 2005+25 basis points2.5 percent
March 22, 2005+25 basis points2.75 percent
May 3, 2005+25 basis points3 percent
June 29-30, 2005+25 basis points3.25 percent
Aug. 9, 2005+25 basis points3.5 percent
Sept. 20, 2005+25 basis points3.75 percent
Nov. 1, 2005+25 basis points4 percent
Dec. 13, 2005+25 basis points4.25 percent
Jan. 31, 2006+25 basis points4.5 percent
March 28, 2006+25 basis points4.75 percent
May 10, 2006+25 basis points5 percent
June 29, 2006+25 basis points5.25 percent

Source: Fed’s board of governors

Rate cuts 2007-2008

Meeting dateRate changeTarget & target range
Sept. 18, 2007-50 basis points4.75 percent
Oct. 30-31, 2007-25 basis points4.5 percent
Dec. 11, 2007-25 basis points4.25 percent
Jan. 22, 2008: Emergency meeting-75 basis points3.5 percent
Jan. 29-30, 2008-50 basis points3 percent
March 18, 2008-75 basis points2.25 percent
April 29-30, 2008-25 basis points2 percent
Oct 8, 2008: Emergency meeting-50 basis points1.50 percent
Oct. 28-29, 2008-50 basis points1 percent
Dec. 15-16, 2008-100 to 75 basis points0-0.25 percent

Source: Fed’s board of governors

The 2000s were the Fed’s most rhythmic period yet, with the Fed following clear cycles for both tightening and loosening rates.

To start the decade, the Fed slashed interest rates 13 times to a low of 1 percent — a range that might’ve been unthinkable for those who remembered rates in the ‘80s — after a stock market bubble in the technology sector burst, kickstarting a recession that was exacerbated by the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Key insights on the 2001-2010 era

  • Fed chair of the decade:
    • Alan Greenspan (1987-2006)
    • Ben Bernanke (2006-2014)
  • Peak of the decade: 6 percent
  • Low of the decade: 1 percent

The U.S. central bank then managed to hike interest rates 17 times between 2004 and 2006 — all of those increases in gradual, quarter-point moves — to a high of 5.25 percent.

That was until the financial crisis of 2008 happened and the ensuing Great Recession, which slammed the brakes on the economy. The Fed then did the unthinkable: It slashed interest rates by 100 basis points to near-zero. Chairman Ben Bernanke led the Fed during this period, which was, at the time, one of its most aggressive economic rescue efforts in Fed history.

During this era, the Fed also unveiled an experimental, unconventional monetary policy tool: quantitative easing, or large scale asset purchases (LSAPs) as they’re formally known. A massive bond-buying program to lower long-term interest rates and give the economy a bigger boost caused the Fed’s balance sheet to balloon, soaring to $4.5 trillion from a starting place of $870 billion.

Fed interest rate history of 2011-2020: The economy recovers from the Great Recession and faces the coronavirus pandemic a decade later

Rate hikes 2015-2018

Meeting dateRate changeTarget range
Dec. 15-16, 2015+25 basis points0.25-0.5 percent
Dec. 13-14, 2016+25 basis points0.5-0.75 percent
March 14-15, 2017+25 basis points0.75-1 percent
June 13-14, 2017+25 basis points1-1.25 percent
Dec. 12-13, 2017+25 basis points1.25-1.5 percent
March 20-21, 2018+25 basis points1.5-1.75 percent
June 12-13, 2018+25 basis points1.75-2 percent
Sept. 25-26, 2018+25 basis points2-2.25 percent
Dec. 18-19, 2018+25 basis points2.25-2.5 percent

Source: Fed’s board of governors

Rate cuts 2019-2020

Meeting dateRate changeTarget range
July 30-31, 2019-25 basis points2-2.25 percent
Sept. 17-18, 2019-25 basis points1.75-2 percent
Oct. 29-30, 2019-25 basis points1.5-1.75 percent
March 3, 2020: Emergency meeting-50 basis points1-1.25 percent
March 14-15, 2020: Emergency meeting-100 basis points0-0.25 percent

Source: Fed’s board of governors

The Fed couldn’t escape zero rates in the 2010s just as much as it couldn’t escape devastating recessions.

Officials would ultimately end up leaving interest rates at rock-bottom until 2015, after which they only hiked interest rates by 25 basis points once per year. That is, until 2017, when the Fed hiked three times, and 2018, when they hiked four more times. The fed funds rate peaked at 2.25-2.5 percent.

Facing tepid inflation and moderating growth, the Fed also decided in 2019 to cut interest rates three times to give the economy a fresh boost — similar to Greenspan’s “insurance” cuts of the 1990s.

Key insights on the 2011-2020 era

  • Fed chair of the decade:
    • Ben Bernanke (2006-2014)
    • Janet Yellen (2014-2018)
    • Jerome Powell (2018-Present)
  • Peak of the decade: 2.25-2.5 percent
  • Low of the decade: 0-0.25 percent

The fed funds rate looked like it was about to settle there until the coronavirus pandemic came along, ushering back in another era of near-zero rates. The Fed slashed rates to zero across two emergency meetings within 13 days of each other as the gears of the economy came to a halt.

Chair Janet Yellen took the helm of the Fed from Bernanke in February 2014 and steered the economy through its Great Recession recovery until February 2018, when Chair Jerome Powell was installed.

Fed interest rate today 2021-present: The Fed’s latest moves in an era of soaring inflation

Rate hikes 2022-present

Meeting dateRate changeTarget range
March 15-16, 2022+25 basis points0.25-0.5 percent
May 3-4, 2022+50 basis points0.75-1 percent
June 14-15, 2022+75 basis points1.50-1.75 percent
July 26-27, 2022+75 basis points2.25-2.5 percent
Sept. 20-21, 2022+75 basis points3-3.25 percent
Nov. 1-2, 2022+75 basis points3.75-4 percent
Dec. 13-14, 2022+50 basis points4.25-4.5 percent
Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2023+25 basis points4.5-4.75 percent
March 21-22, 2023+25 basis points4.75-5 percent
May 2-3, 2023+25 basis points5-5.25 percent
July 25-26, 2023+25 basis points5.25-5.5 percent

Source: Fed’s board of governors

It’s been a blast from the past for Fed rate-setting, with inflation returning as the No. 1 economic threat in the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis.

The Fed hiked interest rates by a quarter point in March 2022 for the first time since 2018, leaving interest rates at near-zero percent for two years to give the economy time to recover from the coronavirus pandemic. They didn’t stop breaking milestones there. The Fed approved the largest rate hike since 2000 during its May gathering when it raised interest rates by half a percentage point, as well as the largest rate hike since 1994 when it lifted interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point in June. The Fed followed up on that historic move with three additional increases of that size.

Officials felt comfortable leaving their foot on the gas even as inflation soared to a 40-year high — in part, because they were guided under a false assumption that massive price pressures were only transitory.

Experts say U.S. central bankers usually worry about the wrong conflict. Just how officials spent the 1990s worried about inflation, the Fed probably spent the early 2020s fearing too-low inflation, says Scott Sumner, monetary policy chair emeritus at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center.

“Central banks tend to focus on fighting the last war,” Sumner says. “If you have a lot of inflation, you get a more hawkish stance. If you’ve undershot your inflation target, then the Fed thinks, ‘Well, maybe we should’ve been more expansionary.’ Powell came into his job with that determination, that if there was another recession, they would be more aggressive. My own view is that the strategy was relatively successful at first but pushed too far.”

Key insights on the 2021-2022 era

  • Fed chair of the decade: Jerome Powell (2018-Present)
  • Peak of the decade: 5.25-5.5 percent
  • Low of the decade: 0-0.25 percent

By many standards, however, an entirely different U.S. central bank is steering the boat, meaning officials don’t want to tame inflation with aggressive, volatile rate hikes similar to the 1980s, he adds. Yet, officials have also spoken out against the stop-and-go manner of rate hikes leading up to the Great Inflation of the 1980s.

The Fed has made great progress bringing inflation back toward their 2 percent inflation target. Prices in March rose 3.5 percent from a year ago, almost three times slower than the eye-popping 9.1 percent annual rate from June 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index (CPI). Excluding the more volatile food and energy categories, so-called core inflation is up 3.8 percent from a year ago, BLS data also shows.

Yet, price pressures aren’t slowing as quickly as they once were, underscoring just how much harder the next mile of getting price pressures down to Fed officials’ goal may be.

Even if the Fed doesn’t end up raising rates more from here, stubborn inflation could lead the Fed to keep borrowing costs high for longer. Yet, the more inflation falls, the more restrictive interest rates could become.

The Fed’s preferred gauge of inflation still shows better improvement, but inflation still looks stubborn. Overall prices in March rose 2.7 percent from a year ago, less than half a percentage point above the Fed’s official target, separate data from the Department of Commerce shows.

Bottom line

Even if the Fed eventually cuts interest rates this year, borrowing costs are likely to stay higher than they were in the pandemic era. With higher interest rates likely here to stay, concentrate on eliminating high-interest debt, boosting your credit score and shopping around for the best places where you can park your cash, so your money is rewarded.

“If the economy evolves broadly as expected, it will likely be appropriate to begin dialing back policy restraint at some point this year,” Powell said in a March congressional testimony. “But the economic outlook is uncertain, and ongoing progress toward our 2 percent inflation objective is not assured.”

Fed's Interest Rate History: The Fed Funds Rate Since 1981 | Bankrate (2024)


What is the historical fed funds rate? ›

Interest Rate in the United States averaged 5.42 percent from 1971 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 20.00 percent in March of 1980 and a record low of 0.25 percent in December of 2008.

Why was the federal funds rate so high in the 80s? ›

The fed funds rate has never been as high as it was in the 1980s. The main reason is because the Fed wanted to combat inflation, which soared in 1980 to its highest level on record: 14.6 percent.

What is the highest interest rate in the US history? ›

The highest the federal funds rate has ever soared was to 20% in December 1980. The lowest it has dropped is effectively 0% in 2008 and 2020.

Why was the interest rate so high in 1981? ›

The Fed funds rate, which is the rate banks charge each other for overnight loans, hit 20 percent in 1980, and 21 percent in June 1981. The cause was an inflationary spiral brought on by rising oil prices, government overspending and rising wages.

How bad was the 1980's recession? ›

July 1981–November 1982. Lasting from July 1981 to November 1982, this economic downturn was triggered by tight monetary policy in an effort to fight mounting inflation. Prior to the 2007-09 recession, the 1981-82 recession was the worst economic downturn in the United States since the Great Depression.

What is the actual fed funds rate today? ›

Right now, the Fed interest rate is 5.25% to 5.50%.

What is a normal fed funds rate? ›

How Does the Federal Funds Rate Work? The Federal Open Markets Committee sets the federal funds rate—also known as the federal funds target rate or the fed funds rate—to guide overnight lending among U.S. banks. It's set as a range between an upper and lower limit. The federal funds rate is currently 5.25% to 5.50%.

Is the federal funds rate the same as the interest rate? ›

The term federal funds rate refers to the target interest rate range set by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC). This target is the rate at which commercial banks borrow and lend their excess reserves to each other overnight.

How did people afford mortgages in the 80s? ›

Back in the 1980s, homebuyers used arrangements like “contract for deed,” “wraparound mortgage” and “lease with an option to buy.” Many mortgages were assumable at the dawn of the 1980s. With an assumable mortgage, the buyer not only gets ownership of the house but takes over the seller's home loan, too.

What caused high inflation in the 80s? ›

Prices begun to spiral upwards from the mid-1970s as inflation shot up by more than 20%. Then as now, the world was facing an energy crisis that drove up oil prices. As wages also rose, companies' costs increased too, triggering regular price increases.

What were the interest rates on CDs in 1981? ›

The U.S. faced two recessions in the early 1980s. That's when CD yields peaked. On average, three-month CDs in early May 1981 paid about 18.3 percent APY, according to data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

What is the Fed prime rate today? ›

Prime rate, federal funds rate, COFI
This WeekYear Ago
Federal Discount Rate5.55.25
Fed Funds Rate (Current target rate 5.25-5.50)5.55.25
WSJ Prime Rate8.58.25

What was the highest interest rate in the last 40 years? ›

1981: The all-time high for mortgage rates

How bad is bad? The average mortgage rate in 1981 was 16.63 percent. And that's just the average — some people paid more. For the week of Oct. 9, 1981, mortgage rates averaged 18.63%, the highest weekly rate on record, and almost five times the 2019 annual rate.

Why were mortgage rates so high in the 80s? ›

The 1970s and 1980s

As we headed into the 80s, it's important to note that the country was in the middle of a recession, largely caused by the oil crises of 1973 and 1979. The second oil shock caused skyrocketing inflation. The cost of goods and services rose, so fittingly, mortgage rates did too.

What was the worst recession in history? ›

  • Depression of 1920–1921, a U.S. economic recession following the end of WW1.
  • Wall Street Crash of 1929 and Great Depression (1929–1939) the worst depression of modern history.

What was the US inflation in 1981? ›

During 1981, inflation in both retail and primary mar- kets slowed to the lowest pace since 1977. The Con- sumer Price Indextfor All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) moved up 8.9 percent, following increases of 13.3 and 12.4 percent in 1979 and 1980.

What was the crisis of 1982? ›

Effects. The debt crisis of 1982 was the most serious of Latin America's history. Incomes and imports dropped; economic growth stagnated; unemployment rose to high levels; and inflation reduced the buying power of the middle classes.

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