Financial Goals for Your 40s | Milestone Financial Planning | Ent Credit Union (2024)

5 min read

Jun 09, 2023

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It’s important to monitor your financial goals throughout every stage of life. And being in your 40s is no different. You may have new financial responsibilities to consider and investments to protect, which can change the way you spend your money every month. Prioritizing these financial goals will help you and your loved ones find success later in life. Use this milestone guide to get your finances into shape.

Financial Goals for Your 40s | Milestone Financial Planning | Ent Credit Union (4)

Financial Goals for Your 40s | Milestone Financial Planning | Ent Credit Union (6) Lesson Notes:

  • Focus on paying down debts, protecting your health and assets, and investing in your retirement.
  • Avoid incurring additional interest by finding loans with low rates and paying off high-interest credit card debt.
  • Consider increasing the amount of earnings you put away in retirement accounts.

Important financial goals for your 40s:

Increase your retirement savings

It’s time to start taking a closer look at your retirement savings plan now that you’re roughly twenty years or more away from retirement. According to financial experts, you should have roughly three times your yearly salary in savings by the time you reach age 40. If you haven’t reached this goal, don't worry, there’s still plenty of time to start contributing. If your employer offers a retirement account, take full advantage of it by maximizing your employer’s contributions. If you have an individual retirement account (IRA) or Roth IRA, the yearly contribution limit is $6,500 for those under age 50. Try to save this much every year or roughly 10% of your yearly salary.

To get a more personalized view, consider talking to a financial advisorto get a better idea of how much money you will need in your golden years based on inflation and your current lifestyle. Prices have increased substantially over the last several years, so adjust your estimates accordingly.

Add to your emergency fund

It’s important to have at least several months of income saved in case of an emergency, not including your retirement savings. This money could be used to pay for living expenses if you lose your job, experience a medical crisis, or lose property in a natural disaster. Maintain your emergency fund as the years go by and consider keeping this money in a separate account, so you’re not tempted to spend it. You may need to add to the fund as you take on new liabilities. For example, being responsible for children or aging parents can increase your risk of becoming financially liable for a medical emergency. Owning property or your own business can also expose you to additional legal responsibilities.

Plan for your child’s education

If you have or plan to have children, start saving for their education today. Consider setting up a 529 college savings plan if you haven’t done so already. These accounts work like a Roth IRA by letting you invest your after-tax income into a saving account that then grows on a tax-deferred basis. You can then deduct the money tax-free as long as it goes towards qualifying higher education expenses, such as tuition, room and board, and textbooks. Be sure to adjust your savings plan as the cost of higher education increases and research the cost of private and public schools based on your budget.

Get rid of debt

Taking on debt is common for most Americans, but some debts can harm your finances more than others. If you are carrying around debt, such as credit card debt, focus on eliminating it as soon as possible by allocating as much of your income to paying down your debts. One great debt repayment strategy is the avalanche method, in which you pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first to save money over time and get rid of any debts that aren’t appreciating in value. For home loans and student loans, it’s important to continue making monthly payments until the debt is paid off. You may also consider refinancing these loans as time goes by to lock in a lower interest rate.

Invest in your health

Your health can significantly impact your finances as the years go by, and vice versa. A medical emergency can wreak havoc on your savings, and stressing about money can increase your risk of chronic disease. Invest in your health and plan in advance to avoid these situations when possible.

Do your best to lead a healthy lifestyle to decrease your risk of injury and illness by seeing the doctor regularly and screening for various diseases. Also, invest in good health insurance for you and your loved ones to protect yourself from high medical debt. Ensure you have enough money in your emergency fund to cover the deductible in your insurance plan. If you have not already, speak to a financial advisor to see if life insurance is suitable for you. You can lock in a low monthly premium if you are still young and healthy when you sign up. This will leave your loved ones with a sizeable benefit in the event of your passing.

Protect your assets

At this stage in your life, you may have acquired several assets, including a home or car. For most people, their home is their largest source of wealth, so do your best to protect your investment. The US has experienced more severe weather over the last several decades, so ensure you have enough home insurance in case of a disaster such as a flood, hurricane, fire or tornado. Additionally, expand your policy if you have made any new additions in the last year, and keep up with regular repairs.

Along with protecting your assets, continue making regular monthly payments on your mortgage loan and consider paying more than the required amount every month to reduce the accrued interest.

Set up an estate plan

Everyone can benefit from having an estate plan regardless of how much money they make. This kind of financial planning isn’t just for the ultra-rich; it’s for anyone with assets or savings. The plan will help your loved ones divide up your assets in the event of your death to fulfill your wishes in your absence. It will oversee the transfer of property and other assets to designated recipients and identify the power of attorney if you suddenly fall ill and can no longer make decisions for yourself.

Being in your 40s can come with many responsibilities, and managing your money is an important step toward securing your future. Use these tips to make the most of every dollar you earn.

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Financial Goals for Your 40s | Milestone Financial Planning | Ent Credit Union (2024)


What are the financial goals for the 40s? ›

Develop a plan for paying off credit card debt, personal loans, lines of credit, and other outstanding balances. You could even set a goal to be completely high-interest debt-free by the end of your 40s. There are several great methods of repaying debt, including the avalanche and snowball methods.

What are the financial goals by age? ›

By age 35, aim to save one to one-and-a-half times your current salary for retirement. By age 50, that goal is three-and-a-half to six times your salary. By age 60, your retirement savings goal may be six to 11-times your salary. Ranges increase with age to account for a wide variety of incomes and situations.

How can I build my wealth in my 40s? ›

Here are 10 things you should consider to help you financially plan and build wealth in your 40s.
  1. Emergency fund. ...
  2. A debt-free plan. ...
  3. Save for retirement at 40. ...
  4. Investing in your 40s outside of non-retirement accounts. ...
  5. Estate plan and will. ...
  6. Life insurance. ...
  7. Disability insurance. ...
  8. Meet with a financial professional.

What is your biggest financial goal what financial goals do you most want me to achieve? ›

7 Examples of Personal Finance Goals
  • Start an Emergency Fund. Life is unpredictable, and it's important to be prepared with an emergency fund. ...
  • Pay Off Debt. ...
  • Save for Retirement Plan. ...
  • Strive for Homeownership. ...
  • Pay Off the Car. ...
  • Invest in a College Education Savings Account. ...
  • Save Money, Plan for Fun.

What are the 3 types of financial goals and how long do they last? ›

Short, medium, and long term financial goals
Goal TypeTime FrameStrategy
Short termLess than a yearBudget and save in a bank account or a money jar
Medium termOne to five yearsPlan and invest in a mutual fund or a certificate of deposit
Long termMore than five yearsProject and invest in a stock or a bond

Where should I be financially at 45? ›

As a general rule of thumb, you'll want to have saved three to eight times your annual salary, depending on your age: 40: At least three times your salary. 45: Around four times your salary. 50: Six times your salary.

How do you start financial goals? ›

Consider working through these five steps to set your financial goals.
  1. List and prioritize your financial goals. ...
  2. Take care of the financial basics. ...
  3. Connect each financial goal to a deeper motivation. ...
  4. Make a financial plan to reach your financial goals. ...
  5. Revisit your financial goals regularly.

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At AgeWise Financial Planning, we specialise in retirement financial advice, retirement living financial advice, Retirement village financial advice, Lifestyle village financial advice and aged care financial advice. No matter your needs, we've got you covered.

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Is It Too Late To Start Building Wealth At 40? Many people wonder whether it's too late to start building wealth once they reach their 40s. The truth is, it's never too late to begin saving and taking steps toward financial security, no matter your age.

What investments should I make in my 40s? ›

Consider opening an individual retirement account (IRA) or a health savings account (HSA). Both can provide an added boost to the quality of your life in retirement — with added tax advantages, too. Don't skip retirement savings to pay for college. This could be a costly mistake.

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A better way to write financial goals is to use the SMART method. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. These are five criteria that can help you make your goals clear, realistic, and trackable.

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Typically, the primary goal of financial management is profit maximization. Profit maximization is the process of assessing and utilizing available resources to their fullest potential to maximize profits. This has the greatest benefit for company shareholders hoping for the highest possible return on their investment.

What is a good goal for saving money? ›

Some financial experts recommend putting aside three to six months' worth of expenses. So if you typically spend $4,000 a month on necessities like rent, utilities and groceries, you might set a savings goal of $12,000 to $24,000. If that amount seems intimidating, you can start small—such as saving $1,000.

What is the retirement savings goal by age 40? ›

By age 40, your savings goals should be somewhere in the neighborhood of three times that amount. According to 2023 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual income hovers around $62,000. This means retirement savings goals for 40-somethings should tip the scales at around $200,000.

What is the 50 30 20 financial goal? ›

The idea is to divide your income into three categories, spending 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. Learn more about the 50/30/20 budget rule and if it's right for you.

How can I be financially free at 40? ›

  1. Retire early by 40. Today, aiming for early retirement by age 40 has become a popular goal. ...
  2. Save like it's your job. ...
  3. Embrace smart spending. ...
  4. Boost your income. ...
  5. Set a savings target. ...
  6. Stay calm and invest on — aggressively. ...
  7. Strategize your withdrawals. ...
  8. Plan for healthcare.
Apr 27, 2024

What are the savings goals based on age? ›

Fidelity's guideline: Aim to save at least 1x your salary by 30, 3x by 40, 6x by 50, 8x by 60, and 10x by 67. Factors that will impact your personal savings goal include the age you plan to retire and the lifestyle you hope to have in retirement. If you're behind, don't fret. There are ways to catch up.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.