UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | (2024)

UK savings statistics for 2024 from the Bank of England (BoE) indicate that people deposited £8.3 billion into fixed-rate bonds and ISA accounts in August 2023, this was down from £10.3 billion in July of the same year.

Savings are a crucial part of money management. Whether it’s putting money aside for a particular purchase in mind, or building up a rainy day pot for something unexpected, comparing savings accounts will ensure you select the one that is right for you.

Our research has gathered the most recent UK savings statistics, encompassing topics such as how much UK households have deposited as savings. The data collected helps reveal what proportion of a person’s income should be saved, along with the reasons why people put money away.

Quick overview of UK savings statistics 2024

  • The mean average amount of money held in a UK savings account is £17,365.

  • Up to a third (34%) of adults had either no savings (or less than £1,000) in a savings account.

  • Around six in 10 (61%) UK adults save money either every or most months.

  • Almost two-thirds (65%) of people believe they wouldn’t be able to last three months without borrowing money.

  • Savings accounts are the most popular savings method among UK adults, with over half (57%) using these to save money.

  • Men have more savings on average than women across every age group.

UK savings market statistics

UK savings statistics for 2024 show that UK households deposited a net amount of £0.3 billion with banks, building societies and into NS&I accounts in July 2023. The following month, in August 2023, sums deposited were equal to the sums withdrawn, essentially meaning that net deposits were measured at zero. This represents a significant downturn in saving compared to the previous year with the corresponding inflow of deposits for September and October 2022 standing at £8.1 billion and £6.2 billion, respectively.

A breakdown of monthly deposits in savings accounts over time

UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | (1)

The interest rate on new fixed-rate bonds and ISA accounts for households with banks and building societies increased from 4.94% in July to 5.12%. In the same vein, the rate on existing accounts climbed by 0.24%, from 2.94% in July to 3.18% in August. Additionally, the rate for easy access savings accounts went up from 1.66% in July to 1.83% in August.

During August 2023, net deposits from UK households into National Savings and Investment (NS&I) accounts came to £0.3 billion, compared with £7.7 billion a month later in September – the highest level since August 2020, when the figure reached £9.8 billion. The corresponding figures for September and October 2022 were £0.8 billion and £0.2 billion respectively.

The combined seasonally adjusted net flow for both bank and building society deposits and NS&I accounts in August 2023 stood at zero (a decrease of £0.3 billion from July), well below the £1.5 billion average during the previous six months. For September 2022, the figure was £8.9 billion dipping to £6.4 billion in October.

For a deeper dive into the condition of the UK savings market, visit our UK savings market trends page for more statistics on average savings and wealth.

How much does an average person have in savings?

UK savings account statistics revealed that the mean average amount of savings in a UK savings account is £17,365. However, as always, average figures hide the gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’.

One in seven (13%) people in the UK revealed they have nothing in their savings, whereas a third (33%) of UK savers said they would struggle to cover a month’s worth of living expenses if they lost their primary source of income.

As of Q3 2021, UK households saved an average of 8.3% of their post-tax income (including benefits), which was down from 12.4% in Q2 2021 and 22.8% in Q2 2020.

Between 2000 and 2015, the UK rate of savings fluctuated between 7-10%, with a recent, pre-Covid peak of 12% in Q1 2010.

UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | (2)

According to savings stats from the FCA, up to a third (34%) of UK adults had either no savings, or less than £1,000 in a savings account. This equates to around 22.8 million people with very little or no money to fall back on. This figure was skewed towards the younger population, with under half (47%) of 18-24 year-olds having less than £1,000 in their savings account.

According to a survey by the Money and Pensions Service (MaPs), around a quarter of UK adults (11.5 million people) have less than £100 in their savings account, with one in six people having no savings at all.

According to recent credit card statistics, two in five people who use credit are anxious about how much they owe, with over a third worried about the number of different products they already have.

UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | (3)

MaPs also found that four in every five people (81%) avoid discussing their finances with someone, with just over a fifth (21%) saying they are fearful of being judged by others. Conversely, just under a fifth (19%) were worried about being a burden to others, with 17% citing shame/embarrassment.

To align with the MaPs ‘Nation of Savers’ national goal, adults of working age (18-66) are categorised into different groups based on their financial security status, two of which are ‘The Struggling’ and ‘The Squeezed’.

The ‘struggling’ vs. the ‘squeezed’

‘The Struggling’‘The Squeezed’
Least financially resilientHigh-risk category
Low incomeHigh rates of dependency on credit
High rate of benefit dependencyLack of savings buffer
Poor provision for later lifeNot prepared for later life
Little or no savings buffer
High levels of debt/over-indebtedness

(Source: MaPs)

According to the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing, there are 11.1 million adults across the country who fall into one of these two categories. This equates to over half (56%) of all working-age adults in the UK, and 61% of the total adult population, who are classed as inadequate savers.

The national target is to encourage two million more people to save regularly by 2030.

Other aims of the UK strategy for financial wellbeing include:

  • Reducing the number of people often using credit to buy food and pay bills by two million

  • Ensuring that five million more people understand enough to plan for and cope in later life.

If you’re looking to save more money, but not sure how, our guide to financial advisor help could help point you in the right direction and help in setting your savings goals.

How much should people save?

Managing your savings is a highly personalised process. How much you save will depend on the specific reason for saving and the associated time frame.

  • Less than a year - can be used to target a holiday, buy a specific gift, or pay one-off, larger bills (e.g. car insurance).

  • Less than a decade - might be to cover the cost of large expenditures, such as making a downpayment on a house or replacing something significant that breaks (e.g. a boiler).

  • Lifetime - putting money away for retirement through a lifetime ISA account, for example.

Generally speaking, between 10-15% of your income should go towards a comfortable retirement fund. If you have employer contributions, then this can help reduce the burden (i.e. they contribute 5% and you contribute 5%).

As a rule of thumb, you should establish an emergency fund that can cover up to nine months of your living expenses. This is to account for loss of income should you lose your job, yet still allows you to cover your basic survival costs (i.e. accommodation, bills, food etc.).

Another theory is to follow the 50/30/20 rule, where:

  • 50% of your income should go towards necessities (i.e. needs).

  • 30% goes towards desirable purchases (i.e. wants).

  • 20% goes into a savings account (either retirement, emergencies, or a particular financial goal).

Using this method, up to half of your money is fixed on the non-negotiable aspects of living that you cannot avoid paying out for, such as mortgage/rent, household bills, and groceries.

You may opt for more than 20% towards savings, which is fine and could benefit you in the long run. But any less, and this may mean a longer saving period towards your ultimate saving goals.

The other way to view this is to consider your age bracket. Here is a rough estimate of how much you should be putting into retirement savings by decade, based on the average annual UK wage of £32,292, as of November 2022.

How much of your salary should you save? (Exclusive data)

How much of your salary you should save (by decade)Amount of savings
1 x your salary by the age of 30£32,292
3 x your salary by the age of 40£96,876
6 x your salary by the age of 50£193,752
8 x your salary by the age of 60£258,336

The bottom line is, there is no hard-and-fast rule with regards to how much people should save. Whether it’s 5%, 20%, or more, putting money away today will help prepare you for a more financially secure future.

A breakdown of attitudes and feelings between regular and non-regular savers

UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | (4)

The Financial Wellbeing Survey 2021 found that 61% of UK adults save money either every, or most, months. These people are defined as ‘regular savers’.

Those in the habit of not saving regularly are much more likely to experience financial issues in other areas of their lives, including:

  • Susceptibility to a dramatic reduction in income, with almost two-thirds (65%) claiming they wouldn’t be able to last three months without borrowing money.

  • Keeping up with bills—70% would struggle with this, while over two-thirds (69%) would find it a burden.

  • Reduced happiness—a quarter (25%) of non-savers feel less satisfied with life, and less than a fifth (18%) aren’t happy with their financial situation.

  • Increased anxiety—just under a third (29%) of those who aren’t saving regularly claim they feel more anxious with regards to money.

  • Reduced confidence in managing their money, with more than one in six (61%) admitting they no longer feel confident doing so.

Regular saving provides good financial resilience for your future. Those who do save regularly are:

  • Almost twice as likely to be able to cope with a significant loss of income and keep up with paying bills, as well as less likely to find this a burden (42%).

  • More satisfied with their life as a whole (44%).

  • Less anxious about finances (29%).

  • Almost twice as confident in managing their money compared to non-savers.

Why do people save money?

The majority of UK adults (57%) have savings in place for no particular purpose, and are just accumulating money to use sometime in the future (i.e. a rainy day).

Reasons why people save money

Reason why people savePercentage of people who save for this reason (%)
For a rainy day57%
Unexpected expense or events44%
Planned expense or events35%
Retirement (excluding pension)26%
In case household income changes21%

(Source: MaPs)

Just under half (44%) are saving for unexpected expenses or consequences should it happen, compared to just over a third (35%) who are saving with a specific event/expense in mind.

Slightly more than a quarter (26%) are using their savings to supplement their retirement, with just over a fifth (21%) safeguarding for the future should their income change.

Other ways to save money

As of June 2022, 82% of people surveyed across the UK were turning off lights in a bid to save money during the cost of living crisis. This was the most popular method for saving money, followed by turning off electrical goods on standby (70%) and eating out less than usual (64%).

A breakdown of different ways of saving money and the percentage of UK people who use that method

UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | (5)

More than half of people stated they were looking to reduce their consumption habits, such as takeaways (58%), food shopping (56%), and household appliance usage (53%).

A breakdown of the best apps for saving money (exclusive data)

AppMonthly global downloads (Android)Monthly global downloads (iOS)Total global downloads
Starling Bank30,00070,000100,000

(Source: via Sensortower via

Of all the available apps for saving money, Revolut sits at the top in terms of global downloads (1.3 million). This is almost twice as many as second-placed Idealo, with 700,000.

As of December 2022, Monzo is the third most popular downloaded app for saving money, with 200,000 downloads. This is twice as many as fourth-placed Starling Bank, with 100,000. Money management app Plum is in fifth, with 80,000 downloads across Android and iOS devices in 2022.

Android was slightly more popular than iOS as the source of apps for saving money (1.4 million vs 1.3 million), with around 50% of Android and iOS downloads attributed to Revolut alone.

Our guide to stocks and shares apps available on the market can help with learning how to choose shares and trade, and run a portfolio from the comfort of your screen.


Bank of England (BoE)

The Central Bank of the United Kingdom. It is responsible for setting interest rates and promoting monetary stability.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

An index measuring the average price of consumer goods and services purchased by households. It is often used to assess inflation.

Interest rate

The amount charged, expressed as a percentage, by a lender to a borrower for the use of money. Interest rates are sometimes considered the reward for saving and the cost of borrowing.

Fixed-rate savings account

A savings account where the interest rate remains the same for a set period, regardless of market conditions.

Individual Savings Account (ISA)

A class of retail investment arrangements available to residents of the UK, providing a favourable tax status.

Real interest rate

The interest rate once adjusted for inflation, representing the real cost of borrowing or real yield on an investment.

Defined benefit plan

A type of pension plan where an employer promises a specified monthly benefit on retirement. The amount is determined by a formula based on the employee's earnings history, tenure and age.

Government bonus

A monetary incentive provided by the government to encourage saving that is paid on top of the money saved in a Help to Save account.

Payment frequency

The regularity with which savings are deposited into an account – for example, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | (2024)


UK Savings Statistics 2024 - Saving Facts and Stats Report | ›

Quick overview of UK savings statistics 2024

What is the savings ratio in the UK in 2024? ›

In 2024, households from the United Kingdom (UK) are expected to save over nine percent of their disposable incomes. This savings rate fluctuated significantly since 2007, with the lowest figures recorded in 2018 at five percent.

What are the statistics on savings in the UK? ›

Over four in ten (43%) of UK adults don't use savings accounts in 2023. In 2022, just over a fifth (21%) of UK adults had a premium bond savings account, while 19% invested their money in other ways. Close to a quarter (23%) of UK savers don't check interest rates before opening an account.

Is 100k in savings a lot in the UK? ›

Is 100k in savings a lot in the UK? Yes, it is. The worry is that while 100k might be safe in a savings account, it won't earn a lot of interest – not as much as it might if you were to invest it. Inflation could significantly lower your money's real spending power when held in a savings account over time.

What is the average savings by age 60 in the UK? ›

Average savings in cash Isas by age
AGE RANGE£1k- £2,499£20k- £24,999
4 more rows
Jun 19, 2024

How much does the average Brit have in savings? ›

How much on average do people have in savings? As of January 2024, a survey from Finder has revealed that the average UK adult has £11,185 in savings. Despite this about 46% of people have £1000 or less in savings and 25% have £200 or less.

What is the savings forecast for UK? ›

There's a lot of talk about how much longer the Bank of England can hold off raising the base rate so our research took a longer-term view, forecasting trends in savings over the next ten years. The average savings interest rate is forecast to increase by 1% by 2025, up to an average rate of 2.3%.

Are UK savings rates rising? ›

Interest rates have been steadily rising over the last 18 months for savers. In March 2022, the highest 1 year fixed rate bond on the market was at 1.71% AER. By October 2023, the highest 1 year rate was 6.20% AER. This has led to many people asking what they can expect in terms of savings interest rate predictions.

How many people have 100k in savings? ›

About 26% of U.S. households had more than $100,000 in savings in retirement accounts as of 2022, according to USAFacts, a nonprofit organization that analyzes data from the Federal Reserve and other government agencies.

Is saving $1000 a month good in the UK? ›

Saving £1,000 a month could have a substantial impact on your long-term financial wellbeing. At an average interest rate of 2.35%, saving £1,000 a month for 10 years would result in a total savings of around £134,215. It's crucial to strike a balance between saving and meeting your current financial needs.

What is the safest investment with the highest return in the UK? ›

Some of the low-risk investment options UK investors can invest in include:
  • Bonds – corporate and government.
  • Gold.
  • High-interest current accounts.
  • Real estate.
Jun 22, 2024

What is a good net worth by age in the UK? ›

Average UK net worth by age:

25-34: Between £85,000 and £200,000. 35-44: Between £200,000 and £300,000. 45-54: Between £300,000 and £500,000. 55-64: Between £500,000 and £1,000,000.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

Can I retire with 500k in UK at 60? ›

But let's say you're asking yourself, “Can I retire at 60 with a 500k in the UK pension pot?” – the answer is yes, it could be feasible as it means you have another 5 years during which you and your employer continue making contributions.

How much should a 70 year old have in savings? ›

If you're ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now . How Much Should a 70-Year-Old Have in Savings? Financial experts generally recommend saving anywhere from $1 million to $2 million for retirement.

Is saving $500 a month good in the UK? ›

Saving for retirement is essential to ensure a comfortable and financially secure retirement. By saving £500 a month, you can significantly contribute to your retirement savings and potentially enjoy a more fulfilling retirement lifestyle.

What will the UK economy be like in 2024? ›

Real GDP growth is now forecast at 0.7 percent in 2024 (a slight upgrade from the 0.5 percent in the April WEO), before rising to 1.5 percent in 2025 as disinflation buoys real incomes and financial conditions ease.

What is the average savings account rate in the UK? ›

Average savings rates: Highlights

The average instant access savings rate in the UK is 2.77% as of May 2024. The average variable cash ISA savings rate in the UK is 2.75% as of May 2024. The average interest rate on a 1-year fixed rate ISA is 4.51% as of May 2024. The UK inflation rate (CPI) was 2% in May 2024.

What ISA good net worth by age in the UK? ›

Average UK net worth by age:

25-34: Between £85,000 and £200,000. 35-44: Between £200,000 and £300,000. 45-54: Between £300,000 and £500,000. 55-64: Between £500,000 and £1,000,000.

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